Sinful Desires

“O my God.” Or, when we lose it, to weep, “They have taken my God away.”
Sinful desires trump the desire for God
The sinful nature will always produce these cravings, strong desires, and intense longings. The life is a sustained battle against the constant impulses of sin that rise from the sinful nature. If you are a Christian, your sin is forgiven, but it has not yet been expelled.
Lust involves a choice and an act of the will. To a certain extent it's a
conscious decision to pursue a desirable object instead of simply
allowing it to pass on by. It's a willingness to give in to natural
desires can be and often are sinful or at the least come from a place of sin. Let me restate that one more time. Desire can, and often does, come from sin in my heart and because of that I can, and often do, desire sinful things. However it is what we do with our desires that utilmateiy shape us and bring consequence.
“O my God.” Or, when we lose it, to weep, “They have taken my God away.”
Sinful desires trump the desire for God
The sinful nature will always produce these cravings, strong desires, and intense longings. The life is a sustained battle against the constant impulses of sin that rise from the sinful nature. If you are a Christian, your sin is forgiven, but it has not yet been expelled.
Lust involves a choice and an act of the will. To a certain extent it's a
conscious decision to pursue a desirable object instead of simply
allowing it to pass on by. It's a willingness to give in to natural
desires can be and often are sinful or at the least come from a place of sin. Let me restate that one more time. Desire can, and often does, come from sin in my heart and because of that I can, and often do, desire sinful things. However it is what we do with our desires that utilmateiy shape us and bring consequence.