13 Largest Diamonds in world



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A great deal of enormous and perfect jewels have acquired notoriety, both as phenomenal instances of the lovely idea of precious stones, and furthermore on account of the celebrities who wore, purchased or sold them. A portion of these precious stones were sold on barters for more than $10 million and that says a ton regarding how significant jewels are.

1. Cullinan Diamond 3106.75 carats

2. The Lesedi La Rona – 1111 carats

3. Debswana recovered diamond - 1098-carats

4. Currently unnamed. 998 carats, discovered in Botswana in the Karowe Diamond Mine owned and operated by Lucara Diamond

5. The Excelsior Diamond – 995.2 carats

6. The Star of Sierra Leone – 969 carats

7. The Lesotho Legend - 910 carats

8. The Incomparable – 890 carats

9. The Constellation Diamond – 813 carats

10. The Koh-i-Noor Diamond – 793 carats

11. The Millennium Star – 777 carats

12. The Woyie River Diamond – 770 carats


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A great deal of enormous and perfect jewels have acquired notoriety, both as phenomenal instances of the lovely idea of precious stones, and furthermore on account of the celebrities who wore, purchased or sold them. A portion of these precious stones were sold on barters for more than $10 million and that says a ton regarding how significant jewels are.

1. Cullinan Diamond 3106.75 carats

2. The Lesedi La Rona – 1111 carats

3. Debswana recovered diamond - 1098-carats

4. Currently unnamed. 998 carats, discovered in Botswana in the Karowe Diamond Mine owned and operated by Lucara Diamond

5. The Excelsior Diamond – 995.2 carats

6. The Star of Sierra Leone – 969 carats

7. The Lesotho Legend - 910 carats

8. The Incomparable – 890 carats

9. The Constellation Diamond – 813 carats

10. The Koh-i-Noor Diamond – 793 carats

11. The Millennium Star – 777 carats

12. The Woyie River Diamond – 770 carats